Competencies and skills

10 years in the segment of online stores and e-commerce
Development team on the 1C-Bitrix (Golden Partner)
CMS web development
Development and support of high-load business services

Comprehensive analytics

Research and design

For creating an effective development tool we’ll find out all the details, dive into your business processes, conduct the necessary research and develop prototypes of the key pages of the site.

A prototype is an interactive model of a future product, a draft that leaves space for detailed design and functionality. Our clients can see the location of functional blocks and evaluate their interaction.
The prototype shows the structure and hierarchy of the site’s pages. Such visualization will help to develop the most user-friendly interface, taking into account all the wishes already at the initial stage. It is a demo to showcase the project’s potential before investors or a testing focus group.

Technical specification

Tech spec (or TS) saves you from the unknowns and from the repeatedly explaining to parties. Writing a technical spec increases the chances of having a successful project, service, or feature.

Design engineering systems

Prototype is the preliminary version of the actual product developed to validate the design of the product. We’ll create a full-fledged graphic instead of a schematic image. When the layout and technical spec are agreed, we’ll start creating a working version.

Do you need a clickable prototype before actually developing your product? No problem. It means that we’ll be able to work out the main user scenarios even at the preparatory stage. It is much easier and cheaper to identify errors and fix them before launching a project than at the development stage.

Front- and Back-End Coding

1C-Bitrix development

Metasharks is a Gold Certified Partner of 1C-Bitrix and participates in the quality monitoring program. Our employees regularly obtain certifications, pass exams and improve their skills on 1C-Bitrix products. Integration with 1C-Bitrix is one of the main tasks to ensure rapid synchronization of information about customers, their orders, product balances and properties, as well as product prices. This is a flexible system on which every third online store in Russia operates. Its advantage is more than 500 different modules. You only need to select the necessary ones, integrate and configure them.
For individual solutions, we write modules ourselves, which significantly reduces the development time.

Variety of approaches

We have many other developing tools besides 1C-Bitrix.
Our team often uses JavaScript and its frameworks, for example React, Vue, jQuery for frontend development.
For backend development, we use Java, Python and PHP.
Are other CMS or programming languages used in your project? We know how to work with them, too.

Сonsidering all aspects

We develop websites ready for mass visits and ensure trust to the resource. Testing, customizing IT architecture, handling databases and using relevant programming languages ensures the reliability of a high-load IT project.

Start-up and adjustment works

We’re fanatical about QA

We conduct quality control of the project at all stages of its development. In fact, we have found that a blend of manual and automated testing is the best way to achieve full test coverage and deliver the highest quality product.

Let's go!

We like to get our clients involved — while the site is in beta, it lives on a development server, where you and your team can play with it, try to break it, and help us eradicate any bugs.

No client left behind

When we deliver your new site, we don’t just throw you the keys and run. We walk you through the system, show you how to use it (and how not to use it), and make sure everyone touching the website is comfortable with managing it. Monitoring of the site’s fault tolerance is 24/7. Launch day is time to celebrate – and to start planning enhancements that deliver even more value to your users and business.

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